
Save Money When Replacing Your Car Keys

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There are many reasons why you might need to replace your car keys, such as if you lost your keys or locked them in your vehicle. Even though some people think that replacing lost or stolen car keys is easy and affordable, it can actually be surprisingly expensive. This is because many modern cars now use transponder keys, which are more complicated and costly than more typical keys but that help prevent car theft.…

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Home Security Basics

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If you have recently had something happen that has led to you having greater concern about your home’s security, then it’s time for you to take action ad make some changes around your house. By taking your home’s security more serious, you can decrease your chances of dealing with criminal behaviors, such as vandalism or a burglary. Follow the advice here for a more secure home:    Hold a meeting with all household members…

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Four Services A Locksmith Can Provide You

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If you have lost your keys, you might be in need of a locksmith, however this is not the only service a locksmith can provide. Here are some different services they will be happy to help you with. Install a Keypad Entry When you want to improve the security of your home, you might be looking past traditional home locks and thinking about keypad entries. These require someone to have the numeric code in order to gain entry into your home.…

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Locked Out Of The House? 3 Ways To Prepare For Next Time

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You’ve locked yourself out of the house. You’re probably waiting for a locksmith and wishing you had access to an emergency key. While you can’t prevent future lockouts, you can make sure you’re prepared the next time. The best way to prepare for a future lockout is to hide an emergency key. When you hide your key, you want to make sure you place it in a secure location. Here are four safe places to hide an emergency key.…

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Choosing The Best Lock For Your Front Door

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The primary goal of a lock on the front door is to prevent unauthorized entry. Some locks are better at this than others. When considering a lock replacement for your front door, get the best available for the most protection from intruders. Here is how the deadbolt keeps your home safe and what to look for in residential locks. A Simple Mechanism With Many Parts That Must Work Together The deadbolt lock attaches to the door with a knob on the inside and a key lock on the outside used to move the bolt.…

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How To Properly Secure Your New Home

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When you move into a new home, you don’t often consider the fact that the previous owner might still have a copy of the key or that they would attempt to gain access. However, it is better to be safe than sorry. Here are some ways to secure your home after you move in. Change the Garage Door Code All electronic access codes that get you into your home should be changed, such as your garage door.…

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Never Locked Out | The Do's And Don'ts Of Spare Key Hiding

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If you want to make sure you are never left out in the cold because you have lost your house key, the most logical thing to do is to hide a spare somewhere that is within reach. Even though this sounds like a simple way to avoid having to call on a locksmith every time you get locked out, hiding a spare key should actually require a great deal of thought.…

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3 Basic Tips For Protecting And Fortifying Your Property

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Smooth operation for a house heist depends on speed, stealth and ease of entry. To deflect burglars from your property, the conditions in and around your house must run counter to these needs. These tips will help you fortify your property and protect your home from intruders.  Reduce Hiding Places, Improve Visibility Thieves who want to make a stealthy approach, who wish to scope out the best point of entry and who want to get an up-close look at your property, are going to seek out the best places to hide within close proximity to your house.…

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3 Tips For Providing Better Building Security

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Your commercial property most likely stores a lot of confidential data, legal documents, and expensive computer equipment, so protecting it is essential. Here are some tips for getting the best building security and protecting your assets. Have Deadbolts Installed Building security begins with the types of locks that are on your doors. You can begin by having a locksmith install commercial-grade deadbolt locks on all entrance doors of the building. This will prevent people from picking a lock.…

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5 Ways To Maximize Your Front Door's Security

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You know that a deadbolt on the front door is standard for preventing a break in. If you get a more aggressive thief that resorts to using a crowbar or kicking the door in, you may not be as safe as you think. Here are some ways to maximize the protection you can get from your front door. 1. Install the Most Effective Deadbolt You Can Afford Ask your locksmith to only show you the ANSI Grade 1 deadbolts in their inventory.…

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